At GlobalizeMe Digital, the past few weeks have been a whirlwind of exciting developments, with team meetings, client visits and industry events keeping us on our toes.  The spring air seems to have fuelled a real spirit of teamwork here, and we’re thrilled to share some of our recent highlights (and what’s coming up next). 

London AWS Summit: A Feast of Cloud Innovation 

In late April, Richard and Josiah from our UK team attended the AWS Summit at the Excel Centre in London.  It was a massive event, with around 25,000 attendees! They soaked up insights from keynote speakers like industry leaders Francescca Vasquez and Tanuja Randery, learned about the latest AWS cloud innovations and networked with fellow AWS professionals. Sounds like they had a blast (and enjoyed some delicious lunch too!). 

India Team Meetings: Strengthening Connections 

From April 26th to May 5th, Digital Services Director Andy Forkgen visited India for a series of team and client meetings.  Leveraging the power of hybrid work, Andy met with over 25 team members, almost two-thirds of our permanent Indian team.  

Here are some key highlights of his visit: 

  • Strategic Town Halls: Two town halls, one in Coimbatore and one in Bangalore (streamed globally), provided a platform for open communication and team alignment. 
  • Tech Seminars: Subject matter experts within the team delivered insight on hot topics like “New JS Features in 2024” and “Does PHP still have a place in 2024?” 
  • Recognition and Appreciation: Outstanding team members were celebrated and achievements were acknowledged. 
  • Client and Partner Meetings: Two productive days in Mumbai were dedicated to strategic planning alongside a global pharmaceutical client and a valued partner. 
  • Team Building and Camaraderie:  Quality time filled with handshakes, hugs and promises to do it all again soon (including plans for a company-wide Power Day later this year!). 

It was a hectic but rewarding trip with productive meetings, delicious food and a renewed sense of connection with our Indian colleagues. 

Upcoming Events: A Look Ahead 

The fun doesn’t stop here! We have a busy schedule lined up for the rest of May and into June: 

  • A three-day whiteboarding session with our client FlowDezk to brainstorm exciting new features for their product. 
  • A thought leadership session with a tech and sales consulting client to explore innovative solutions for their complex tech stack. 
  • A brainstorming session with a Pharma Agency client to develop AI tools for enhanced client interaction. 
  • A live-testing session with an online property auction client, showcasing the technology we’ve been building together. This one’s especially exciting, and we’re even flying over some senior tech leaders from our Bangalore team to see our hard work come to life. 

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! We’ll be holding our usual meetings on new business, architecture, projects and services to continue to drive collaboration and growth. 

Would you like to learn more about what we do? We’d love to chat! Feel free to contact usIt’s good to talk!