We have built various sales and discovery apps for leading global pharma and financial services clients crossing multiple business functions and use cases. Mostly presentational in origin, many of these apps feature rich, retina-quality, adaptive, multi-lingual content as a starting point to a discovery and/or sales process.

The apps then go on to capture analytical data, business impact data and comparison data, most of them then culminating in a report, an interactive graph or any other sort of ongoing engagement. All of our apps are somehow cloud-connected, with secure content and data being managed and synchronised, and with analytic and CRM feeds all being synchronised via secure APIs.

Multiple sales and customer facing teams around the world are using our apps to automate their workloads and we scale and distribute load across multiple global nodes using AWS’s multiple data centres and tools such as CloudFront. We also support all of these apps and their field force users under global SLAs with the clients.