ISO 27001 Webinar

Let’s face it, information security standards can sound intimidating. And ISO 27001 is no exception. Some see it as a collection of best practices, while others worry it’s a complex burden. There can be a lot of confusion surrounding this topic, so we want to break it down for you in a clear and helpful way – join us on 23rd October for our ISO 27001 Webinar and discover the real story! 

First things first: What is ISO 27001?

Think of it as a recipe book for information security. It outlines proven methods for creating an Information Security Management System (ISMS). This ISMS is your organization’s personal roadmap to managing information security risks effectively. It helps you systematically identify, assess, and address information security risks. 

So, how does this translate to your business?

By following its guidelines, you’ll gain stronger protection of your data and a more secure overall environment. An added benefit is the boost in customer and partner trust that comes with ISO 27001 certification. This certification demonstrates your commitment to information security, a major plus in today’s data-driven world. While implementing an ISMS isn’t without its challenges, such as upfront investment, ongoing maintenance, and potential cultural shifts within your company, the long-term security and trust benefits can be significant. 

Still feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry! We’re here to help!

Here at GlobalizeMe, we understand the complexities of ISO 27001. That’s why we’re hosting a free webinar on 23rd October to help you navigate this important topic. 

During ISO 27001 webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Why ISO 27001 Matters: Discover how this framework can help safeguard your information and build a stronger defence against cyber threats. 
  • The Roadmap to Certification: We’ll break down the entire process, from preparation and documentation to audits and ongoing maintenance, in a clear and actionable way. 
  • Unlocking Client Confidence: Learn how ISO 27001 certification demonstrates your commitment to data security, giving your clients and partners peace of mind. 
  • Our Experience – Your Advantage: As an AWS Certified Consulting Partner with our own ISO 27001 experience, we’ll share practical tips and tricks to simplify the journey for your organization.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is perfect for you if: 

  • You’re curious about information security best practices. 
  • You’re considering ISO 27001 certification for your organization. 
  • You work in a sector like healthcare, finance, tech, or marketing where data security is paramount.

By the end of this session, you’ll be equipped to:

  • Understand the benefits of ISO 27001 for both your business and your clients. 
  • Feel empowered to take the next steps towards certification – if that’s your goal. 
  • Discover how our services can streamline your ISO journey.

Ready to take control of your information security? Register to join us today! We look forward to seeing you there.